Wednesday, August 17, 2011

You can’t fit 10 pounds of potatoes into a 5 pound sack...

It often seems to me that the hardest part of life is learning how to prioritize everything. How do you balance work, home, parenting, social life...?!  I often sit and wonder if the saying that you “can’t fit 10 pounds of potatoes into a 5 pound sack” was actually said by someone who felt they were being pulled in 100 different directions?  Not one who was over weight?

I think that I am fairly good at balancing my life… I am always learning, and growing, but in all I think that I do a fairly good job. But how do we ever know? Who teaches us how to balance our lives? Once you think you have it all under control something always changes, marriage, having children, buying a house, jobs (yours or your spouses) become more demanding or change… Life is definitely a journey full of twists and turns.

My biggest challenge used to be balancing my work and home life (I tended to work a lot…) and balancing families. My side of the family is huge, where my husband’s side is very small… Now I am in a new season of life with my son.  How do I balance his needs, my needs and my husband’s needs while still catering to other family and friends?  Jheesh!
Now being a mother myself to a 12.5 week old – I have to say that I admire and love my own mother so much more!  How she did it all is something that I do not yet understand, but hope to get a grasp of soon.  My husband is one to watch – he is the master at having too much to do but still getting it all done.  He not only works full time, but us currently getting his M.B.A – not to mention always helping when I need it and being a great first time Dad.

The one thing I have found helpful over the last few years is to always have my general list of priorities in my head ( and the more detailed day to day in my black berry).  I use them as a “check list” when it feels like life is spinning out of control!  For Example (in nor particular order) my general priorities include; my family, myself, my home, my faith… Within those there are the smaller things like; laundry, cleaning, groceries…  Gah!  Just writing it down makes me feel as though I am spinning out of control.

My new motto in life is – if it doesn’t get done because the baby is crying, I will just have to do it tomorrow.

Anyways that is all I have for today.  Just thinking and thought I would write it down.  I know that many of my friends are going through these same things, so i thought you may be too.  Or perhaps you have gone through this stage in life and you have some words of wisdom for me?  Help!?

My men ... and my current #1 priority

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